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Dr Brian Mahoney has practiced medicine in Ontario, Canada since 2002.  His training and experience in family medicine, addiction medicine and anesthesiology have provided many insights into the way patients can be better served. 


He has been an Assistant Professor at Queen’s University since 2007 and has served as the Family Practice Anesthesia Program Director. Since 2014 he has been the Department Head of Anesthesia at his local community hospital.


Energized by a passion for fitness, nutrition, and wellness, he founded PrehabMD in 2019.  His goal is to translate the science of prehabilitation into something accessible to everyone, empowering people to better prepare themselves for surgery.

As a professional, Dr Mahoney believes:


  • The delivery and accessibility of healthcare services can be improved with technology.


  • Care delivered directly to people in their homes respects their time, offering a more convenient, flexible and comfortable experience. 


  • Patient engagement is improved by using a partnership model, with plenty of scope for individual choice.


  • Patients are not always given all the information that matters to them or that they deserve.


  • There is great value in activating and engaging patients - the most underused person on the healthcare team.

Personally he believes only a few things really matter in life. Helping others when they need help is high on the list. So is spending precious time with his amazing wife and children, commonly outside, often laughing.


He takes his responsibilities very seriously, but not himself - whenever in front of a camera, he declares he has a better face for radio.

“Honouring our patients’ autonomy and allowing them to make informed decisions means giving them all the facts. The facts may motivate them to action, giving them significant control over the outcomes they desire.”

Our Founder

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